Monday, 30 September 2013

Area of concern/ Inital Ideas

As a team, we brainstormed an assortment of concepts we could use and broke them down into either feasible or unfeasible. We then stared to narrow down the 'initial ideas' list, we were left with seven; namely: 1) Behind the science with the police 2) Educating Heathside 3) Can you control love? 4) London Riots 5) Racism in sport 6) Drugs in Sports 7) London 2012 Olympics Games. After consulting with our target audience we deiced on the ‘London Riots’.  Ed, our target audience and most importantly, myself felt that the London Riots topic provided us a wide range of scope. Through media language we can help to elaborate our topic and produce a product that our target audience will find informative yet entertaining (their preference). After finalizing our area of concern, we subsequently explored into the appropriate sub topics and subsequently discussed how we would go about interpreting them into our documentary. The final seven sub-topics we agreed on are as follows: 1) London Riots in the eyes of the police 2) The role of social media 3) What lead to the riots 4)Lasting legacy of the riots 5) How the youth of London feel London 6) The communities knock on effect 7)What was done to resolve the dispute? Accepting that we wouldn’t be able in integrate all seven ideas into our product we restricted the down the list to three: London Riots in the eyes of the police, The communities knock on effect and … To integrate a subdivision whereby the audience would know how the police dealt with rioters, we decided that we would use both archive footage and an interview with a policeman. We later composed a letter addressed to Police Commander and Captain, Mr. David Howe requesting an interview. To capture what affect the London Riots had on the local community we decided on using another interview with an individual directly affected by the riots (such as a store owner).  

Our documentary
Answers/ choices
Reasons for your choices/ how choices fit mode
Subject matter:
(A) What/who?
(B) Who will you interview?
(C) Where will you visit?

London Riots
Policeman & local council
London- places directly effected

We feel that this topic will work for our target audience and be informative
Film language
(A) What types of shots are used?
(B) Is the camera static? Handheld?
(C) Does any type of shot dominate or is there a variety
(D) I the editing fast or slow?
Camera static- on tripod

Variety of shots

Slow paced to mirror

We feel that by using the appropriate film language, conveying over point will prove much easier.
Documentary techniques
(A) Does the documentary include interviews? ID so, who with?
(B)Is there a voiceover? What information is given in it?
(C) Are we aware of the documentary-maker? (Do they appear on camera?

Yes, with a policeman &local councilor

This will give us a good amount o interesting footage
(A) What different types of sound are used?
(B) What us the effect of any music used?
(C)Does the image illustrate the voiceover says?

Both diegetic and non-diegetic
Slow paced and low key
Voice over illustrates the image on screen

This will help integrate meaning into our final product.

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